10 Job Prospects for Digital Enterprise Division

Digital Business is a major that studies the relationship of business aspects to information and digital technology. 

Digital Business study program students will deal with several subjects, such as Introduction to Business, Internet Marketing, Consumer Behavior, E-commerce Business, etc. What are the job prospects for Digital Business majors? 

1. Digital Marketer

Digital marketers or digital marketing specialists are tasked with recognizing target markets, building brand awareness, and designing and managing marketing campaigns. 

2. Digital Business Consultant

The main task of digital business consultants is to develop digital strategy designs to be applied to various types of businesses. 

3. Digital Transformation Consultant

Digital transformation consultants play a role in analyzing, advising, and providing guidance to certain sectors that will be transformed into digital technology. 

4. Management Consultant

Management consultants must equip themselves with knowledge of marketing strategies, organizational development, operational efficiency, to organizational practices. 

5. Analyst

Business majors job prospects Digital which is now widely held is business analyst, analyst data, and digital business analyst. 

6. Business Development

A business development must be able to master various aspects related to business.That role has the main goal of developing markets and building strong businesses.

7. E-Commerce Manager

The e-commerce manager is tasked with developing strategies related to operational planning, development and management platform business. 

8. Product manager

Product managers are responsible for the overall strategy to developing marketing methods.

9. SEO specialist

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specialist is tasked with optimizing the company’s performance organically in search engines, namely Google. 

10. Fintech Specialist

Fintech specialist is one of the job prospects majoring in Digital Business. As the name implies, fintech specialist is tasked with developing service innovations in the field of effective and efficient financial services by utilizing technology. 

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